Freelance Writing

Technology & Culture

From thoughts about a proposed art museum to an in-depth look at the fantasy of Apple Computers, my pen is always perked by stories that address both pop and high culture. I am particularly interested in Silicon Valley and startup culture. I have written a series of Medium posts, like this, for Lean Startup Co. 

Food & Travel

I spent three years writing the Weekly Yelp newsletter, a roundup of all the best local businesses in Las Vegas, so I am always down to write a story about good food and great getaways. I also have experience as a restaurant critic (and no, I don't just mean Yelp reviews). 

restaurant industry

I have worked with restaurants on a wide range of business questions including social media and hiring best practices. 

Real EstatE

I have written about the Las Vegas real estate market for U.S. News & World Report. You can read my articles here.